Welcome to our new website

Jägermeister’s SAVE THE NIGHT FUND 2024


The organizer of the SAVE THE NIGHT Fund 2024 is MAST-JÄGERMEISTER SE, Jägermeisterstraße 7-15, 38302 Wolfenbüttel, Germany (hereinafter “Jägermeister”).

Criteria for applying

  1. Only applications submitted by applicants of 21 years and over, will be considered, regardless of their place of residence. Applications may be submitted by individuals, collectives, or legal entities that have full legal capacity to enter into binding agreements.
  2. Only projects with a starting date between 1st of March and 31st of December 2025, will be considered.
  3. Only applications with a clear and demonstrable link to nightlife will be considered. We are on the lookout for projects that promote positive change in nightlife, the ones that make nightlife safer, more inclusive and/or sustainable. Only complete applications submitted between 9 September 2024 and 3 November 2024 at 23:59 GMT will be considered.
  4. Jägermeister will not support projects that promote any forms of political agenda, discriminatory content, or content that glorifies drug use. Participation is free. Multiple entries by the same individual or entity are not permitted. Applicants are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of all information provided in their application.
  5. Applications from individuals or entities located in jurisdictions subject to trade sanctions, embargoes, or other legal restrictions under EU, U.S., or international law will not be considered.
  6. Applicants must comply with all applicable anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws. Any attempts to influence the outcome of Jägermeister’s decision through improper means will result in disqualification and possible legal action.

How Jägermeister selects the winning applications

  1. Applications that meet the criteria set forth above, will be reviewed by the SAVE THE NIGHT project team. The team will assess feasibility, effectiveness, the project’s link to nightlife and the fit with Jägermeister’s brand’s purpose.
  2. Only applications that successfully pass the initial screening will be forwarded to Jägermeister’s advisory board for further evaluation.
  3. The advisory board will evaluate the applications using a predefined scorecard to identify their top 10 selections. Jägermeister reserves the exclusive right to select the final winner(s) from among these top-ranked applications.
  4. The selected projects will be notified by Jägermeister in writing, by e-mail or by phone call, stating further details and explaining the next steps in the process. Notification of selection does not constitute a legally binding agreement. Final selection and provision of support are conditional upon the execution of a formal contract between Jägermeister and the selected applicant.
  5. Members of the project team and advisory board are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest regarding the applications under review. In the event of a conflict, the member will recuse themselves from the evaluation and selection process related to the affected application.
  6. The evaluation process and scorecard are proprietary to Jägermeister and the advisory board. The specific criteria and deliberations will remain confidential, and Jägermeister’s decision regarding the final selection of projects is final and not subject to appeal.
  7. Jägermeister reserves the right to modify, delay, or cancel the selection process at any time without liability. This includes altering the selection criteria, the number of winners, or the distribution of funds and support. You waive any right to legal recourse regarding the selection process, the decisions of Jägermeister or the advisory board, or any aspect of the SAVE THE NIGHT Fund.

What you do for us, if your application gets selected for funding

  1. You will start an official collaboration with the Jägermeister team, working together to oversee and manage the execution of your idea within agreed timings and budget. In February 2025, a (digital) mentorship session will be held during which Jägermeister and the SAVE THE NIGHT advisory board will work with you to refine your idea, providing expert guidance and support.
  2. The project will be yours. However, to effectively promote your project and align it with the goals of the SAVE THE NIGHT initiative, we will work together to find appropriate ways to communicate publicly about the support you receive. This includes Jägermeister’s wider aims around creating positive change in nightlife. To facilitate this, you may be required to grant Jägermeister exclusive or non-exclusive rights to use your project in specific fields, such as for online marketing, social media, and other promotional activities.
  3. As a condition of funding, you agree not to collaborate with or engage in sponsorship or partnership agreements with any brands in direct competition with Jägermeister, particularly those operating in the nightlife, alcohol, or beverage sectors. This exclusivity applies from 1 January 2025 until the completion of your project, as mutually agreed upon. Exceptions may be granted by Jägermeister in writing.
  4. You will be available to work with our PR and social media teams to promote your collaboration with us and your project.
  5. All costs related to the execution of the winning ideas must be covered by the assigned funding. This includes, but is not limited to, ideation, production, promotion and any other associated costs (such as advertising and bookings).
  6. You will be required to participate in a minimum of two monthly meetings with the Jägermeister team as soon as your idea heads into ideation phase (February 2025 and onwards). Additionally, you will participate in up to three portrait shoots as part of the winner’s announcement and execution phase (January 2025 and onwards). You agree that these portraits, along with your name, may be used by Jägermeister for promotional purposes on its website, social media, and other marketing channels.
  7. Eligibility for funding, support, or any other benefits is contingent upon entering into a separate formal contract, which will outline the detailed terms governing the relationship between Jägermeister and the selected applicant.

What we do for you

  1. We will provide financial support to execute your idea. A total fund of EUR 100.000 will be allocated among multiple winners, with each winner receiving a portion based on the project’s scope and needs. Funding allocations are non-transferable and may be subject to applicable taxes, which are the sole responsibility of the recipient.
  2. You will participate in a digital mentorship session with our team.
  3. We will promote your project through our local and global brand channels and may feature it on our partners’ channels.
  4. You will receive marketing and production support as well as additional mentorship via our marketing team.
  5. You may be offered the opportunity to engage in a long-term collaboration with SAVE THE NIGHT and Jägermeister, subject to mutual agreement.

Early termination and modification of this call for applications

Jägermeister reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate this call for applications at any time, with or without prior notice, in the event of unforeseen circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to technical failures, fraud, or other issues that compromise the integrity or proper execution of the process. You have no claims against Jägermeister in such circumstances, including any claims for damages, losses, or compensation arising from the modification or termination of this call for applications.

Dispute Resolution

These terms and conditions and any disputes arising out of or in connection with the SAVE THE NIGHT call for applications shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Germany, excluding its conflict of law provisions. Any disputes arising in connection with these terms and conditions and the SAVE THE NIGHT call for applications shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Braunschweig, Germany.


Please note that all your data will be handled safely, securely and discretely— all information submitted through this application form will only be used by the designated team of this year’s SAVE THE NIGHT fund and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you would like more information on this, please visit Jägermeister’s data privacy statement.

Submission of Application

By submitting your application, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, including the fund’s rules and follow-up planning as outlined above.

Applicants who fail to comply with these terms and conditions may be excluded from further consideration in the competition. Also, in the event of a breach of these terms and conditions or any subsequent contract between you and Jägermeister, Jägermeister reserves the right to withhold or revoke any funds, support, or other assistance granted under the SAVE THE NIGHT Fund 2024.

Contact meistercommunity@jaegermeister.de if you have questions or concerns.


We attach great importance to the responsible use of alcohol. You must therefore be of legal age to visit this site.